Nov-Dec 2023

  • A Symphonic Scope to Life

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    In honor of Calin Huma’s homeland, we have provided a Romanian translation for his cover article.  To read the English version and all the SBM articles, click on the magazine at the top of this page.  În tinerețe am fost învățat să apreciez multe lucruri, inclusiv muzica clasică. Am crescut ascultând muzică și, fără să-mi dau seama,…

  • A guide to guilt-free holiday hosting

    A guide to guilt-free holiday hosting

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    The holiday season is upon us, and it’s time for loved ones to celebrate with lots of laughter and, of course, delicious food. Although indulging in decadent treats is tempting, hosting a holiday party doesn’t have to mean sacrificing your commitment to health and wellness. In fact, it’s entirely possible to create a fun, festive…

  • A Furry Super Hero for Christmas? 

    A Furry Super Hero for Christmas? 

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    Is your dog your best friend? Your guardian angel? Is your dog a super hero? I have a big yellow lab named Trooper. He is my super hero and SO much more!! It wouldn’t surprise me to discover that he sneaks out on Christmas Eve to be Santa’s not-so-little helper!  A couple years ago, I…

  • Gift Giving Quandary

    Gift Giving Quandary

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    Oh, to be young again. Not for fewer wrinkles or greater agility—although that might be nice. But no. It would be great to go back to the years when we actually wanted something for Christmas. My family gave up exchanging gifts amongst the parents and grandparents when the only thing anyone ever really needed or…

  • Remain Compassionate

    Remain Compassionate

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    We were having SO much fun! And then my husband (Funk) killed it. I recently visited my Aunt Jan and Uncle Carl—the last of my elder relatives. We met at a restaurant and then followed their son’s car back to the Airbnb where they were staying. The bonfire pit in the backyard called to my…

  • Business as a Force for Good Is Good for Business

    Business as a Force for Good Is Good for Business

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    Entrepreneurs and small businesses are important foundations in communities around the globe. Turning their passion into a business, creating jobs, collaborating with other local businesses, building a community of satisfied and recurring customers and making money are many of the reasons entrepreneurs start their business. Many want to do more. They want to leave a…

  • Your Unique Fingerprint on the World

    Your Unique Fingerprint on the World

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    “I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint—and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe…

  • The Power of Tuning in to Your Heart

    The Power of Tuning in to Your Heart

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    Have you ever had a “knowing” hunch even though you didn’t have all the facts? What was that? Where did it come from? And more significantly, did you listen and act upon it? Learning to hear and trust my intuition, has been a fantastic influence on my life. However, learning to accept ideas without evidence…

  • Bye-bye 2023!

    Bye-bye 2023!

    A Symphonic Scope to Life

    As I bid farewell to another incredible year, I invite you to join me in reflecting on the milestones, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped my journey this year. I am living my dream! I have always wanted to write about the things I love, and I am just getting started. My first year as…