Write for us

Tired of cracked norms, feeble logic, and groupthink?  Are you a problem solver? Perhaps, a little rebellious or unsettled?  
Join Us!


See Beyond Magazine welcomes guest authors, especially nonfiction, personal anecdotes that inspire and guide readers to take healthy risks, face fears, accomplish goals, defuse ego and infuse the world with positivity.    

Write For Us
Brooke Cagle https://unsplash.com/photos/xcgh5_-QIXc

HEADSHOT: 300 dpi/1MB, plain background

Dpi [dots per inch] = The DOTS [of ink] PER [square] INCH [of a printed image] indicates the clarity, detail and quality of an image on paper. Photographers typically use 300 dpi for glossy magazine printing: 300 dots of ink per inch.

Optional – Submit article photos for consideration, must be 300 dpi/1MB   


1. Submit 600-1200 words of original work, not previously published.  

2. Articles may not be republished without written permission from SB.  

3. SB reserves the right to edit for grammar, flow, and fit.  


1. Times New Roman, 12 font, 1-inch margins  

2. Left align title (line 1), full name, email address, phone number (line 2)  

3. Left align, single space article; double space between paragraphs—no indents.  

Write For Us
Alysha Rosly https://unsplash.com/photos/LxRCPqpLUzY


1. BIO (250 words): Consider education, career, passions, talents, goals, accomplishments, family, friends, hobbies, travel   

   Optional — Your business, product, recent book, etc. and/or contact information  

2. HEADSHOT: 300 dpi/1MB, plain background   

   Optional – Submit article photos for consideration, must be 300 dpi/1MB   


1. Email attached Manuscript and Bio in a word.doc to seebeyondmagazine@gmail.com.  

2. Email headshot and optional related photos separately, not pasted onto the document.  

If you do not have Microsoft Word, send manuscript and bio in the email. 


Write For Us
Jad Limcaco https://unsplash.com/photos/Y_J0phaFy2g

1. Business Promotions  

      Instead, reveal what inspires and challenges you at work or in your business. Write to encourage and enlighten, not to sell. That can be done in the bio.       

2. How-to Pieces and Reports  

      Write about how you learned what you know; include advice and tips.  

3. Philosophical Wanderings  

      Tell the story about what led you to that view; don’t preach.  

4. Political or Controversial Topics  

      Our goal is to inspire and guide, not offend.  

5. Poetry  

      We love poetry, but no thanks.  

6. Previously Published Articles or Excerpts  

      Articles must be original work, exclusively for SB publication. Writers may include properly sited quotes. Inaccurate or poorly used quotes will result in rejection. Excerpts from your own work might be rejected if editing is required.   

7. Poorly written submission  

      ALL submissions should be engaging and pertinent, well organized, free of redundancy, and edited for structural and punctuation errors. Use the “Control F” function to locate and remove word repetition. Reasonable stylistic choices are acceptable. SB edits all articles prior to publication.

Submitting to See Beyond Magazine indicates full agreement with all terms and conditions. 

Review copyright info at the bottom of page 2 in any edition.