Author: Dave Ribble

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About Relationships: Business & Otherwise
The foundation of any successful business, partnership, or marriage lies in the ability to foster meaningful and lasting relationships. Yet, paradoxically, many companies and individuals often fail to invest adequately in training and skills necessary to cultivate these bonds. The result? Frustration, strained partnerships and, ultimately, lost opportunities. Take customer service, for example. Many organizations…
The High Cost of Surface-Connecting
Across America and in many other parts of the world, we meet at Chamber of Commerce breakfasts or for coffee, or we join private clubs and we exchange business cards and a promise to follow up in a couple of weeks. It’s a time-honored ritual. People need interaction, and if you also happen to constantly…
The Olympic-Level Toughness (and Grace) of Tim Collins
The Olympic Flame is now extinguished until next time. Athletes, parents, coaches, trainers, celebrities, TV personalities and viewers like you and me have gone back to our version of normalcy. For a few weeks, we escaped to the competition, listened to stories about athletes we were meeting for the first time and our familiar favorites.…
NOTICE What You’re Noticing
“Son, I’ve made a life out of readin’ people’s faces,Knowin’ what their cards were, by the way they held their eyes,So if you don’t mind my sayin’, I can see you’re out of aces,For a taste of your whiskey, I’ll give you some advice.” Some fabulous lyrics from “The Gambler,” by veteran Nashville songwriter Don…
When Yeah But Meets What If…
Here’s my story about premature assumptions. “I’m a freshman! I will go out for the high school baseball team and, since I am a freshman, I will sit the bench most every game.” My older brother Jon, home on leave from the Marines, was quizzing me. Being from a sports-minded family, he had asked about…
Bring Value
Last evening, I was at a networking event and a young man in his twenties asked me what was the most important thing he should learn as he starts his career. It was a good question, and I was delighted he asked me. My answer was formed only after I asked him questions of my…
Opportunities in Disguise
NOTE: How you prepare for the possibility of an unexpected change in conditions and circumstances can be a blessing disguised as something else. Watch for those opportunities; they rarely give you a warning. It finally happened. After doing all my research about the company, the competition and the individual who made the decisions about the…
Your Unique Fingerprint on the World
“I’ve come to believe that each of us has a personal calling that’s as unique as a fingerprint—and that the best way to succeed is to discover what you love and then find a way to offer it to others in the form of service, working hard, and also allowing the energy of the universe…
The University Student’s Unofficial, Unauthorized but Totally Accurate Guidelines for a Budding Career
This is all about you, the college or trade school or university student who is taking classes and hoping to graduate with a degree in something, then go out and start your career. It can also be for the person who is returning to school and getting more education and training to qualify for higher-paying…
Effortless Effort
Ever experience a time when all the stars seem to align and everything is perfect? Most of us have had that experience. It’s a Monday morning. The night before, you had the presence of mind to select a new shirt or sweater or outfit to wear for work the next day. Perhaps you even shined…