Trac Vu

The Balancing Act: Managing Wellness and Chaos

4 minutes

In today’s fast-paced world, finding the time for fitness and nutrition can feel like a juggling act. Between work commitments, family responsibilities, and social engagements, prioritizing health and wellness often falls by the wayside. Yet, the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle and eating well cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to boosting energy, improving mood, and ensuring overall health. As we get ready to spring forward into warmer weather and all the wonder that is summer, now is the time to “fit in” your wellness goals.

Setting Realistic Goals

We all knew that the journey towards a healthier lifestyle begins with setting achievable and specific fitness goals. It’s crucial to be realistic about what you can accomplish given your current schedule and responsibilities. You may want to work out five times per week, for two hours, and yet this might not be feasible. Aiming for something overly ambitious, that is never going to work, will only stress you out further and make this goal impossible.

Instead, I always ask clients how much time can they can commit right now? When they say, “Honestly, 10 minutes every morning.” This is where we start. Motivation is CRAP! You aren’t ever going to feel like doing what you need to do if you’ve let it go for a while. So start small, by breaking down larger objectives into manageable tasks. As you begin doing them regularly, the momentum will keep you going. So instead of aiming to run a marathon in a month, start with shorter, more frequent runs, or even just starting with a walk. We all need to start somewhere!

Christian Gertenbach
Christian Gertenbach

Workouts for Busy Schedules

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) offers a perfect solution for those short on time. These workouts can be completed in as little as 15-20 minutes and require little to no equipment, making them ideal for a busy schedule. Additionally, consider incorporating physical activity into your daily routines through active commuting, such as biking to work or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. These small changes can make a significant difference in your overall fitness levels.

Nutritional Strategies

Meal planning and preparation are key to ensuring you eat healthily, even on the busiest days. Dedicate a few hours each week to prep meals in bulk, focusing on simple, nutritious recipes. For those times when you’re on the go, keep healthy snacks on hand and make informed food choices when dining out. Opting for meals rich in vegetables, lean proteins, and lower on the grains and sweets can help you maintain energy levels and avoid the temptation of fast food.

Eiliv Aceron
Eiliv Aceron

Motivated and Accountable

This can be challenging, but setting up a support system helps. Whether it’s finding a workout buddy, joining a fitness community, or sharing your progress on social media, accountability plays a crucial role in staying on track. Additionally, treat your workout sessions as non-negotiable appointments in your calendar to ensure you don’t skip them. Once you begin to gain momentum and show up daily, that will be all the motivation you need to keep going.

Wellness as a Lifestyle

Adopting a holistic approach to wellness also means focusing on mindfulness and stress reduction. Techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and yoga can enhance your mental well-being, which complements your physical fitness efforts. Additionally, don’t underestimate the importance of sleep and recovery. These are foundational elements of a balanced health and fitness plan. If you ever need to choose between an extra hour of sleep or a workout, 9 times out of 10, the added sleep will be so much better for you in the long run.

Jonathan Borba
Jonathan Borba


Balancing fitness and nutrition with a busy lifestyle is undoubtedly challenging, but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Start small, be consistent, and remember that every step counts. Your well-being is worth the effort. With the right strategies, you can achieve your fitness goals while managing the demands of your busy life. Let this be the push you need to prioritize your health and take action today! Your future self will thank you.

Two On-the-Go Easy Workouts

Option 1

  • Pushups x 10 (knees are ok)
  • Squats x 15
  • Full Sit-Ups x 10 (options, crunches)
  • Jumping jacks x 60 seconds (option, side to side taps)
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • Repeat for a total of 10-20 minutes.

Option 2

  • Plank arm taps x 10 each arm (knees are ok)
  • Stationary lunges both sides x 10
  • Reverse Crunches x 20
  • Air Jump Rope x 60 seconds (or march in place)
  • Rest 1 Minute
  • Repeat for a total of 10-20 minutes.
The Balancing Act: Managing Wellness and Chaos