You thought I was going to say “smarter than the average bear,” didn’t you? Nope. My two Labradors team up like Yogi and Boo Boo and they get their paws on everything in sight! It is mostly the pup wonder. But Trooper has his moments!
So you order a pizza and the doorbell rings. You go to the door to get the pizza. Meanwhile, your two Labradors strike!! They get into the kitchen and pull your bread off the counter. By the time you get back to the living room, the dogs have destroyed the bread and wrapping! The diabolical duo knows if they get you to go do something or see that you are distracted, you will not be looking at their targets. Now, Mac the puppy has his own smarts, but he learned a lot of this from his big bother, Trooper. If you think you will be eating your dinner on time. NOPE!
Mac is a sly one. He knows how to grab your steak quicker than lightning! A couple of days ago, carne asada was on the menu. As I unwrap the meat, Mac leaps up and nabs the wrapper right out of my hand. At first, I’m going, “At least it’s not the carne asada!” (lol)
Now, I’m on my toes! I’m covering the carne asada like I’m guarding the President. Hey, it’s carne asada; it’s delicious! You would guard it, too.

Mac is circling like a shark in the water. He made a few strike attempts, but I foiled them. Then, like a T-rex, these huge teeth and jaws grab the carne asada and pull it to the floor. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! The inhumanity!! I got most of it away from him, but it was done for!! We salute you, brave carne asada!! You fought the good fight against the chocolate puppy knight!! Needless to say, I ordered a pizza—again.
But Trooper is game to grab the goods, too. He nabbed my cheeseburger right off the table one afternoon! They know the good stuff!!
If you think you are going to feed them when YOU want to—OH, YOU ARE VERY WRONG!! They both will scratch at the door to go out. And you think, “Hey, the dogs will go right out! BUT, IT’S A TRAP!! As soon as you open the door, they run right over to their food bowls as if to say, “As long as you are up, feed me!”
They are ninjas, these two. And if you think the food you are eating while sitting on the couch will be there when they start the play fight, think again. When you get up to deal with the ruckus, your sandwich is GONE IN 60 SECONDS! I feel like Ranger Smith at Jellystone Park, keeping Yogi and Boo Boo from destroying a picnic.
You would think this would end at bed time. NOPE! Trooper has figured out that if he rips the bedding off the bed while you are brushing your teeth, he will get a treat. And he’s done a great job of making that happen. He rips all the sheets and blankets off the bed and then sits there like a paper weight! The dog will not move. A hurricane could not budge him. So I have to give him a treat to get him off the bed, so I can make the bed all over again! He is the cutest Bond villain ever!

Food is not the only thing these guys eat! Now when I say eat, I mean EAT! Mac will eat everything he comes into contact with, even small articles of clothing. We work hard at keeping everything out of reach, but Mac has even swallowed quarters. What could have made that seem like a good idea? It Mac ever gets close to a super magnet, God help him! lol
So are you smarter than a Labrador? Sometimes, I wonder if that’s possible. Labs are definitely their own dogs. They have their own ways and their own cunning smarts. You think you are the master?? HAA! They have you right where they want you!! And I wouldn’t have it any other way!!