Author: Călin Humă

Article(s) by
The US Visa Waiver for Romanians: A 2024 Opportunity to Keep Our Friends Closer
In essence, the US Visa Waiver program is offered to countries, whose citizens are not considered likely to overstay their permitted time on their visas. There are only 41 countries participating in this plan. The legitimate question for many of us is why Romania is not on this list and countries such as Croatia, Hungary,…
A Symphonic Scope to Life
In honor of Calin Huma’s homeland, we have provided a Romanian translation for his cover article. To read the English version and all the SBM articles, click on the magazine at the top of this page. În tinerețe am fost învățat să apreciez multe lucruri, inclusiv muzica clasică. Am crescut ascultând muzică și, fără să-mi dau seama,…