Tag: blog

  • Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Values serve as our internal compass, guiding our actions, decisions, and interactions. Identifying one’s values is crucial in understanding who we are, what drives us, and how we relate to the world. This exploration is not just a mental exercise but an emotional journey that profoundly shapes our existence. Our fundamental beliefs dictate how we…

  • When the Pursuit of Money Hurts Your Love Life

    When the Pursuit of Money Hurts Your Love Life

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Ah, the age-old dilemma: balancing the pursuit of cold, hard cash with the warm, fuzzy feelings of love and connection. It’s a tale as old as time—or at least as old as capitalism. You’re cruising along, career thriving, money pouring in, and suddenly, you notice your partner giving you the side-eye, wondering when you last…

  • Toddler Trouble in Arizona  

    Toddler Trouble in Arizona  

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    A few weeks ago, I went to a Mexican Restaurant in Wickenburg, AZ, with some family and friends. The food was delicious, the service excellent, and we were having a great time catching up. Nonetheless, because there were quite a few of us and because of the outrageous cost of everything these days, dinner was…

  • For the Love of . . . AI!?!?!

    For the Love of . . . AI!?!?!

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Something really disturbs me. The rise of Artificial Intelligence girlfriends and boyfriends. Yes, this is real. AI is becoming scary! You can be talking to an AI chat bot AND have no clue that it is a bot. A video can be made of a person that looks exactly like the person. Lord knows what the…

  • Embracing Summer Wellness: My Two Favorite Things

    Embracing Summer Wellness: My Two Favorite Things

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Summer is a season of abundance, offering unique opportunities to enhance our health and well-being. The longer days and warmer weather invite us to step outside, connect with nature, and embrace a lifestyle that nurtures both body and mind. Whether you’re in sunny Southern California or anywhere else in the world, these two activities are…

  • NOTICE What You’re Noticing

    NOTICE What You’re Noticing

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    “Son, I’ve made a life out of readin’ people’s faces,Knowin’ what their cards were, by the way they held their eyes,So if you don’t mind my sayin’, I can see you’re out of aces,For a taste of your whiskey, I’ll give you some advice.” Some fabulous lyrics from “The Gambler,” by veteran Nashville songwriter Don…

  • Ribbon of Orange

    Ribbon of Orange

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    I’ve helped bring a lot of babies into this world, but I’ve never helped usher anyone out. Until my mother. She had a stroke on a Wednesday and was supposed to be fine. But then she wasn’t. I’m afraid to fly because I get claustrophobic. One of my children convinced me that now wasn’t the…

  • Let’s Get Summer Started!

    Let’s Get Summer Started!

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Growing up, we camped all over California, but this was not my favorite vacation choice. Sure, I enjoyed being outside, hiking and fishing. I loved sitting around the campfire at night with my family, eating smores, sharing stories and listening to the sounds of nature. That was always the highlight of the trip. The negative…

  • The Road of Our Heritage

    The Road of Our Heritage

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values
    Global Romania Diaspora Director, RUF

    Discover the amazing Romanian Diaspora women ambassadors of Via Transilvanica (VT) as they contribute to the global fabric of their cultural heritage. The trail connects the diverse cultural and natural regions of Romania and unites Romanians to support its story. Based on an Interview with Dr. Aura Imbarus.Photos are of Romania’s cross-country trail, Via Transilvanica. Dr. Aura Imbarus is an acclaimed…

  • Sometimes It’s Really Hard Living inside of Me.

    Sometimes It’s Really Hard Living inside of Me.

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    She gifted me with the magic and beauty of the Island of Hawai’i.When it comes down to it, I kind of love flying. In the 65 years I’ve had on earth, I’ve finally learned that life is just a series of tragedies and miracles. It seems you can’t have one without the other, and what…