Tag: blog

  • Something Greater Than Yourself

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    College taught me more life lessons than I would have ever thought possible, but it is soccer that crystallized them. AYSO, Region 14 in West Torrance is the first established organization of youth soccer in the United States. Thousands of children have come through registration, picked up their uniforms, and stepped out onto the school…

  • Optimize Your Health This Fall: Immunity, Fitness & Sleep

    Optimize Your Health This Fall: Immunity, Fitness & Sleep

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    As the vibrant colors of fall emerge and the air begins to cool, our body and mind undergo a transition that can affect our overall well-being. This season is a crucial time to focus on holistic wellness, particularly in boosting immunity, staying active, and getting good sleep. By embracing these interconnected aspects of health, we…

  • Politics and Partnership: Navigating Love Amidst the 2024 Election

    Politics and Partnership: Navigating Love Amidst the 2024 Election

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    Dear Grayce, How can I have a healthy relationship with my partner who strongly supports a political candidate, specifically in the 2024 election in America, while I hold differing political views? Navigating and maintaining a healthy relationship with a partner who supports a different political candidate, especially during a heated election season like 2024, can…

  • The Lowest Power 

    The Lowest Power 

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    There is something that screams to me! It tastes so bitter. Why is it that people with disabilities get so much hate? I have seen so much BS. Be it with my friends or myself. It has to stop! Imagine that you see a post to a person with a disability that says, “You are…

  • Good Vibrations in Hawaii

    Good Vibrations in Hawaii

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    Brooke Cagle

  • The Little Farm Girl

    The Little Farm Girl

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    Frances Gunn

  • The Olympic-Level Toughness (and Grace) of Tim Collins

    The Olympic-Level Toughness (and Grace) of Tim Collins

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    The Olympic Flame is now extinguished until next time. Athletes, parents, coaches, trainers, celebrities, TV personalities and viewers like you and me have gone back to our version of normalcy. For a few weeks, we escaped to the competition, listened to stories about athletes we were meeting for the first time and our familiar favorites.…

  • Award-winning Via Transilvanica!

    Award-winning Via Transilvanica!

    Something Greater Than Yourself
    Global Romania Diaspora Director, RUF

    Via Transilvanica offers 1,400 km of cultural richness, stretching across 7 regions of Romania

  • Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Navigating Life with the Power of Values

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    Values serve as our internal compass, guiding our actions, decisions, and interactions. Identifying one’s values is crucial in understanding who we are, what drives us, and how we relate to the world. This exploration is not just a mental exercise but an emotional journey that profoundly shapes our existence. Our fundamental beliefs dictate how we…

  • When the Pursuit of Money Hurts Your Love Life

    When the Pursuit of Money Hurts Your Love Life

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    Ah, the age-old dilemma: balancing the pursuit of cold, hard cash with the warm, fuzzy feelings of love and connection. It’s a tale as old as time—or at least as old as capitalism. You’re cruising along, career thriving, money pouring in, and suddenly, you notice your partner giving you the side-eye, wondering when you last…