Author: Yvette Hawley

ADHD: Growing in Your Own Light

Article(s) by

  • ADHD: Growing in Your Own Light

    ADHD: Growing in Your Own Light

    I love bookstores. If I could crawl up and fold myself between the spines of my favorite novels, you would forever find me resting there. For years, I strolled past the Self-Help aisle, reluctant to enter, anticipating a kind of Knottā€™s Scary Farm experience where ominous demons follow people around. One day, many years ago,…

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  • Something Greater Than Yourself

    Something Greater Than Yourself

    College taught me more life lessons than I would have ever thought possible, but it is soccer that crystallized them. AYSO, Region 14 in West Torrance is the first established organization of youth soccer in the United States. Thousands of children have come through registration, picked up their uniforms, and stepped out onto the school…

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